We have heard about sub conscious mind a lot, but what is superconscious mind, is it god or mind? or something beyond dimension which we are not aware of. Is it a state of mind or state of consciousness what is it exactly, let us try to investigate and discover what is superconscious mind? As we all know that mind is a collection of thoughts and emotions and have a memory, but beyond mind is what we have consciousness. Consciousness is something that is beyond mind and that is what oversees the mind, it is a precognition, mind is thinking but to become aware of the fact that mind is thinking is what is the work of consciousness.
Consciousness is the very base of this creation and the same consciousness lies within all of us the more the mind is free from the defects the higher we have the level of consciousness, the more concentrated our mind is the more we are closer to the source. Why we are restless is because of the fact that we are not in touch with our source, with our true self, that is the consciousness. The more we are closer to the true self the more we are close to the superconscious mind, because the true self and the superconscious mind are not different. We need to work towards making our mind more disciplined, body more trained, and the heart more devoted to access the higher states of consciousness.
This is a small article to give you a glimpse of the superconscious mind and the self we will be covering more such topics that gives you a true sense of wellbeing and bring you closer to your true self.